Organic raw materials for food and cosmetic industry

We present you the new product – BIOKEDR
Russian-made organic product


Korean pine cedar from which is BIOKEDR made, grows only in one region in Primorye. Ripe cones are collected, nuts are removed and 98% of the resin is removed. This is important, since in large quantities, resin is poisonous for body.
Any non-compliance with the temperature and the patented purification technology destroys the unique composition. Therefore, at this moment, BIOKEDR doesn’t have any analogues..


A, В1, В2, В3, В4, В5, В6, B9, U, B12, С, D, E, K, T
Amnio acids
Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic, Linoleic, Arachidic, Lignoceric acid, Omega 3, Omega 6 and Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Phytosterol Capric, fatty acids
Bio-essential elements
Calcium, fluorine, titanium, molybdenum, selenium, chromium, iron, cobalt, sodium, iodine, barium, tin, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, cadmium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, vanadium

● Prevention of cardiovascular
and oncological diseases

● Normalization of blood glucose
in diabetic patients

● Getting rid of insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure

● Fighting depression and loss
of strength

● Cleansing the skin

● Strengthening bone and gums

● Strengthening immune system

● Recovery after serious illnesses and surgeries


● Prevention of cardiovascular
and oncological diseases

● Normalization of blood glucose
in diabetic patients

● Getting rid of insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure

● Fighting depression and loss
of strength

● Cleansing the skin

● Strengthening bone and gums

● Strengthening immune system

● Recovery after serious illnesses and surgeries

7 g of the product provides a 10-days need of vitamins and minerals for the human body.

Application Biokedr

Product retains its healthy components
for 24 months from the production date

BIOKEDR – 100% natural Far Eastern (Korean Pine) cedar cone which is cleared from the resin.

Package Types

We also pack BIOKEDR
in packages weighing 12 kg.

set of 4 sachets of 7 grams

Designed for 40 days of admission.

set of 9 sachets of 7 grams. with a thermometer and a measuring spoon.

Designed for 90 days of admission.

plastic tube with 63 grams of the product

Designed for 90 days of admission.

Наши сертификаты

European quality certificate
Test reports (Russia)
Asian quality certificate SGC
EAC declaration of conformtiy
Laboratory tests (Zagreb, Poland)

Order test package
for free

    Collaboration Options

    We invite trade and manufacturing companies to partnership

    Product Supply TM BIOKEDR
    In standard packaging to choose from
    Product Delivery With Label
    packing without the label BIOCEDRA
    for sale under your trademark

    Our partners

    MLM company DreamTerra, Russia
    The implementation of eco-products and health products
    MLM company DreamTerra, Russia
    The implementation of eco-products and health products
    MLM company DreamTerra, Russia
    The implementation of eco-products and health products
    MLM company DreamTerra, Russia
    The implementation of eco-products and health products
    MLM company DreamTerra, Russia
    The implementation of eco-products and health products


    LLC Scientific-Production Firm BIOKEDR

    Отправки по России

    (671) 555-01-10

    Отправки в Европу

    (671) 555-01-10

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